Transform Your Practice with RECORD

  • Automate data collection from clients.
  • Track client treatment details for stronger case building.
  • Communicate directly with clients through the app.
  • Generate and securely store case-related documents.
  • Empower clients to manage their own treatment calendars.

Request a Demo

See For Yourself How RECORD Can Help You!

RECORD enhances your case management by streamlining data collection from clients, meticulously tracking treatment details, and boosting case values. Our app integrates seamlessly with your existing case management systems, making it a straightforward addition to your workflow that doesn’t add extra burden.

Experience the power of the only client management app!

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Dean Tingey's picture

Tingey Injury Law Firm


RECORD helped our firm identify gaps in treatment that were causing us to leave money on the table. Now we know our clients are getting the treatment they need, and we get the data we need to build their case.

Theresa R.'s picture


Why has this not been done before

My insurance company has apps to file claims, but this is the first app I've seen to help communicate with attorneys. Glad my attorney is embracing the digital age.

John H.'s picture



Record is a well-designed app that makes data collection and communication seamless. It's clear how beneficial this would be in a personal injury case.